Spring Real Estate 2021

The spring real estate season of 2021 is shaping up to be fierce. Interest rates are still low, a lack of housing supply and everyone still eager to relocate due to the pandemic. All these factors have created the perfect storm and is spurring home sales to a record 14-year high.

Which leads me to my most asked question : Alyssa, is now the right time to buy?

I always tell my clients you should always consider these 3 things before making one or your biggest purchases of your life.

🔸 Do you see yourself living there for more than 5 years?
🔸 Make sure you’re buying something you can afford and won’t break the bank.
🔸 You have seen enough places to know what you want.

If you feel 100% sure about the above things than yes, now is a good time to buy. The spring 2021 market in NYC still rebounding and you are most likely to score a deal.

& Millennials I am talking to you ! According to @businessinsider millennials are spending 70% of their money on travel, out of home activities and non-essentials items. Let’s invest that money into a home. So let’s put that money to good use and put it in real estate!


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