Women in Real Estate Collective Panel Discussion

Last week I had the pleasure of participating in the WIREC, Women in Real Estate Collective, panel discussion on Zoom. I was honored to be amongst other top and dynamic agents  as we discussed our thoughts on the NYC real estate market today, predictions for where it is going, and ways to keep your business thriving even in these uncertain times. It was a really encouraging, inspiring and fun evening! Below I share with you my insights and responses to the interview questions.

1. How are YOU participating in the NYC real estate market right now?  

  • I am grateful to be actively participating in various transactions involving sales and leasing representing both S/B and L/T

2. Are your seller clients allowing their listings to be shown?  If so, how?

  • For the most part my units are either in new developments, rental buildings with vacant units and also resales which are vacant. Some buildings will not allow access but most condos will. 

3. Are your buyer clients going to see properties?  Are you joining? 

  • I have had clients/leads go on their own to see vacant units. We also have been utilizing Zoom to perform showings virtually. 

4. Have you put any deals into contract since COVID started?  If yes, how many were sight unseen?  Are you noticing buyers are getting "steals" or not?

  • We have put 1 deal in K a coop on the UWS. I have put 4 leases into contract, 2 of which is sight unseen.

5. Do you predict the NYC real estate market will be more robust or less robust once the city opens again?

  • I predict that the market will be robust upon opening but that movement will depend on what happens come September with schools and/or "second waves" or perhaps people returning to their apartments after months elsewhere and are reassessing especially families whether to stay or go. 

6. Do you think New York will always be New York - or will it be forever changed as a city?

  • It will always be NYC, there will always be Murray Hill and a new generation of New Yorkers anxious to see what the city has to offer. There always will be die hard New Yorkers who will never bet against NY. There are very powerful NY families who have been through generations of NYC drama and here they are, some of them making their wealth by taking advantage of these very rare opportunities in NYC real estate. 

7. What is one way you are staying top of mind for your clients today?

  • Digital 100% and A LOT of phone calls 

8. How are you keeping your business alive during this time?

  • I never stop being "hungry"- I am a natural born hustler, I look for opportunity and creative ways to maneuver through situations that's what you have to do- keep evolving, strategize and never and I mean never stop working smart(hard) 

9. What has been most surprising to you during this time about the way the market is acting?

  • That is not completely dead and that people are still willing to transact even if at a small discount. 

10. What has been your favorite part of the quarantine?

  • My girls and my husband, our bond is stronger than ever. Some days are really really hard but even the hardest moments are outweighed by the joy my girls bring me being their everything right now. 


Real Estate Market Update


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