Best of Miami This Week: Restaurants

In 2023 DMT expanded into new markets with our Miami office. I love Miami- the atmosphere, culture, and especially the food. Here are some of my Miami favorites this week you must try!

Macchialina: Located on the west side of South Beach, Maacchialina prepares exquisite Italian cuisine in a sophisticated ambiance. Chef/Owner Michael Pirolo is famous for his homemade pasta made with the freshest ingredients.

Lung Yai Miami: If you are looking for mouthwatering Thai food in Miami, look no further. Lung Yai features flavorful dishes with a unique flair, ranging from red curry to crab-fried rice. The restaurant’s relaxed atmosphere is perfect for any occasion and allows the food to be the star of the show.

Boia De: With a funky modern design, this Italian restaurant brings a unique twist to the average pasta experience. Chefs Luciana Giangrandi and Alex Meyer create the perfect setting for beautiful food and natural wine to thrive.

Stay tuned for more of my Miami favs! Read more on The Best of the Best Market Guide From Alyssa Brody: South of Fifth, Miami, FL.


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